[Vwdiesel] CNG v. Diesel

Nate Wall nwall at opei.org
Wed Jun 26 10:28:08 EDT 2002

Thanks for the article.  Great site by the way.  See:


Here's a quote from it:

"Less than 2% of the nation's passenger cars are powered by diesel engines -the
smallest share of any  industrialized country. In contrast, the share of
diesel-powered passengers cars exceeds 10% in Denmark, Finland, Japan, and
Germany, and exceeds 25% in France and Italy. "


Scott Kair wrote:

>     It's been a recurring flap of late.  Apparently even CARB admits that
> running clean (newer) Diesels can be done for about half the overall cost of
> CNG retrofits. The DC metro bus system wanted to convert to CNG, but the new
> Diesels were reducing pollutants sufficiently that the governing board
> decided to spend the money slated for beginning CNG conversion on
> maintaining the subway system. See, for starters:
>     http://www.dieselforum.org/inthenews/washtimes_062102.html
>     HTH,
>     Scott Kair
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