[Vwdiesel] Radio

Robert L. Coyle, Jr. wn5p at yahoo.com
Mon Mar 11 22:14:43 EST 2002

--- LBaird119 at aol.com wrote:
> In a message dated 3/11/2002 3:04:58 PM Pacific
> Standard Time, wn5p at yahoo.com
> writes:
> > You can also buy an inexpensive amplifier for FM,
> >  which significantly improves reception especially
> out
> >  on the fringe.
> >
>   These short roof mount antennas are already
> amplified aren't they?

It depends on what type of "short" antenna you are
talking about. A quarter-wave antenna for 98 MHz would
be 2 feet, 5 inches  in length. A quarter-wavelength
antenna for CB is 8 feet, 6 inches. The reason most CB
antennas look shorter is because they use some sort of
loading coil at the base or center of the antenna,
which is nothing more than a length of wire wound
around a diaelectric form to electrically lengthen the
antenna to a full quarter-wave. I suppose you could
modify one by removing the loading coil and cutting
the whip to the appropriate length.

> I told Dad he'll love the car, after I drove it all
> the way home.  His 220 D,
> which he's loved since day one, had terrible radio
> reception. A new
> radio, which worked fine OUTSIDE of the car, got
> crappy reception
> when plumbed in.  I said since this Passat also has
> a crappy radio,

Sounds like either a problem with the antenna or an
egnition problem (motor noise reducing sensitivity). I
had a problem like this on my gas Nissan Sentra a few
years ago.


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