[Vwdiesel] Re: [vanagon] 82 diesel vanagon smokes more uphill - normal?

Dana Morphew kadm at pugetsound.net
Sat Mar 16 08:02:25 EST 2002

How's your compression? Your injectors (irregular pattern, below "brake" spec
minimum)? Timing (around 0.88 mm. for the Vanagon diesel)? Air filter?

> My particular patch of suburbia has several hills - not that steep, but long
> - the kind that really slows a diesel vanagon down.  I can do them in 3rd
> gear, but notice an increase in smoke from the exhaust when I do so.  I'm
> wondering if this is 'normal' and whether it would be better to change to
> 2nd gear, even though the engine would be rev-ing more, perhaps it would not
> be working so hard?
> Thanks again!
> Jon

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