[Vwdiesel] Re: Starter Motor Update

Nate Wall NWall at envasns.org
Mon Mar 25 14:47:00 EST 2002

** Proprietary **

Some of the VWs (My '85 Jetta TD being one of them) use a 10 MM "Triple square" serrated bit to remove one of the starter bolts.  This is the same type of bits used for the CV joint cap screws (8 MM) and the head bolts (12 MM).  K-D sells them in a 3 piece (8, 10, 12 MM) set.


>>> Milton Kaplan <teacher525 at juno.com> 03/22/02 10:30PM >>>

I found a new way to get the sticking solenoid to release. Since the
hammer trick doesn't work, I removed battery gnd from the post and then
removed the heavy positive red starter wire. Then reconnected battery
ground. Turning on and off the key in the start position seemed to free
up the solenoid.

While I was about to remove the starter, I see it requires an inside hex
wrench of 8mm. However the 8mm inside hex socket  (3/8 inch) will not
seat all the way into the bolt as the socket bumps the starter body. Some
special tool for this? I don't think they make a 1/4 inch 8mm inside hex
socket do they? I can't imagine using a cheap 90 degree hex wrench for
this application.

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