[Vwdiesel] More Ecodiesel

Nate Wall NWall at envasns.org
Fri May 3 09:58:07 EDT 2002

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I re-ringed because oil consumption was 1 quart in 700 miles, and the car w=
ould not idle w/out missing on a cylinder.  Compression test indicated 400 =
- 500 psi on three cyls. and one had about 250 psi.  Well, that one had a b=
roken top compression ring.  I know the bores were too worn and probally th=
e pistons.  I decided not to remove the block and bore it because I was afr=
aid I would break the A/C lines in the process and I did not want to but tu=
rbo pistons at $400.  Car had 208,000 miles on it.

What's REAL odd is that when I bought the Jetta at 56,000 miles, I was appa=
lled that oil consumption was one quart per 900 miles.  It had regular oil =
changes too.  I replaced valve guide seals and the turbo w/ a rebuilt unit =
and IT DID NOT CHANGE!  So I concluded the owner used gas engine ("S" rated=
 oil and the ring stuck and broke, creating excess blowby that p[urged oil =
vapor from the crancase.  Blowby was always phenonominal in that motor.

I'd just do the head gasket, period.  The valve job will be extra $, $450 i=
n my area. (Wash DC).  1 qt/2,500 miles is not bad at all, compared to mine=
.  Also, if those pistons and bores are worn, you'll lose oil control fast =
w/ just a hone and re-ringing.


>>> "Mary Beth and Chris Geiser" <geiser at execpc.com> 05/02/02 10:19PM >>>
Hey clatterers,
    After reading Nate's post after his re-ringing, I'm having
second thoughts on my upcoming engine project and would like some other

    My '91 Ecodiesel - 200,000 miles - never had head off - Started
noticing oil in the coolant a while ago, running a little hotter, so I'm
planning on pulling the head, replacing the head gasket, probably having
the head re-done.

    I don't have a compression tester, so I don't know the exact
status of the rings, but it doesn't start like when it was new - this
winter had to crank a little when really cold, and my glow plugs are all
good.  Once running for a minute or two, it runs really well.  Mileage
has dipped a little in the last 6 months (42 vs 48 in past years), but
that could be head related too.  Uses a quart of oil in 2500 miles -
again just started that in the last 6 months.

My thought would be while the head is off, to hone it, re-ring it, and
go until compression dictates a rebuild.  What are people's experiences
with doing this - worth the effort, or did it not buy you enough time to
be worth it?  Re-ringing does not seem to be too bad an effort, but if
it doesn't accomplish much in the way of extra miles, I won't bother and
will just do the head for now and plan a rebuild sooner than later...

What are your thoughts / suggestions?  Sorry if this topic has been
addressed in the past - I vaguely recall this, but didn't pay close
enough attention.

Thanks in advance,

vwdiesel mailing list
vwdiesel at vwfans.com
[ Converted text/html to text/plain ]
I re-ringed because oil consumption was 1 quart in 700 miles, and the car
would not idle w/out missing on a cylinder.  Compression test indicated 400=
500 psi on three cyls. and one had about 250 psi.  Well, that one had a bro=
top compression ring.  I know the bores were too worn and probally the
pistons.  I decided not to remove the block and bore it because I was afrai=
d I
would break the A/C lines in the process and I did not want to but turbo
pistons at $400.  Car had 208,000 miles on it.

What's REAL odd is that when I bought the Jetta at 56,000 miles, I was
appalled that oil consumption was one quart per 900 miles.  It had regular =
changes too.  I replaced valve guide seals and the turbo w/ a rebuilt unit =
IT DID NOT CHANGE!  So I concluded the owner used gas engine ("S" rated oil
and the ring stuck and broke, creating excess blowby that p[urged oil vapor
from the crancase.  Blowby was always phenonominal in that motor.

I'd just do the head gasket, period.  The valve job will be extra $, $450 in
my area. (Wash DC).  1 qt/2,500 miles is not bad at all, compared to mine.
Also, if those pistons and bores are worn, you'll lose oil control fast w/
just a hone and re-ringing.

>>> "Mary Beth and Chris Geiser" <geiser at execpc.com> 05/02/02 10:19PM >>>
Hey clatterers,
    After reading Nate's post after his re-ringing, I'm having
second thoughts on my upcoming engine project and would like some other
    My '91 Ecodiesel - 200,000 miles - never had head off - Started
noticing oil in the coolant a while ago, running a little hotter, so I'm
planning on pulling the head, replacing the head gasket, probably having
the head re-done.
    I don't have a compression tester, so I don't know the exact
status of the rings, but it doesn't start like when it was new - this
winter had to crank a little when really cold, and my glow plugs are all
good.  Once running for a minute or two, it runs really well.  Mileage
has dipped a little in the last 6 months (42 vs 48 in past years), but
that could be head related too.  Uses a quart of oil in 2500 miles -
again just started that in the last 6 months.
My thought would be while the head is off, to hone it, re-ring it, and
go until compression dictates a rebuild.  What are people's experiences
with doing this - worth the effort, or did it not buy you enough time to
be worth it?  Re-ringing does not seem to be too bad an effort, but if
it doesn't accomplish much in the way of extra miles, I won't bother and
will just do the head for now and plan a rebuild sooner than later...
What are your thoughts / suggestions?  Sorry if this topic has been
addressed in the past - I vaguely recall this, but didn't pay close
enough attention.
Thanks in advance,
vwdiesel mailing list
vwdiesel at vwfans.com

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