[Vwdiesel] More Ecodiesel

Nate Wall NWall at envasns.org
Fri May 3 10:18:18 EDT 2002

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In my neck of the woods, a valve job  (machine shop work only) is $450+. I =
have no idea what the hell they do for that money!.  In fact, I think Bentl=
ey says NOT to reface valves or seats in diesels. I replaced my own guides =
and seals and lapped the valves (they and the seats looked PERFECT before I=
 started) for $35, yes, that's $35.00.  But I had the tools.  The old guide=
s were quite worn!

You need :

A valve spring compressor (Mine was about $150, the on-the-car type from Sc=
heley Automotive Specialty Tools)

Valve guide seal pliers (to remove the old seals (might use something else)

Valve guide seal installer drift (about $15), there again, might use someth=
ing else)

8 mm Valve guide installation (stepped) drift (about $20)

All Schley. I think that's it.  I did not have to hone the guides.

Do one valve at a time.  Firmly drive out the oil guide w/ a hammer and....=
.whatever.  (I used a 1/4 inch drive extension and a 1/4 inch drive socket =
of the right size, fitted backwards on its extension, no s*&t.  It takes a =
GOOD forceful whack to get the guide started, then it punches out easily.  =
Installation is easier, and the stepped drift prevents mushrooming the guid=


>>> <LBaird119 at aol.com> 05/03/02 02:26AM >>>

  I tried the oversize rings filed down and had terrible results.  I only g=
30K out of a std. ring re-ring.  Of course the Rabbit's cylinder walls were
quite oddly.  They weren't tapered, they were wavy.  This is where I think
a Total Seal re-ring would pay, or at least having a set of rings modified
to the TS style.  Better sealing in a marginal bore.
  Of course if your bore is worn you should really consider a rebore.  From
what a lot of your experiences, it seems that cylinders are worn more here
than in other parts of the country.  Mt. St. Helens could be the reason
for that.  There was a lot of fine abrasive floating around this state for
several years.
  As with any engine, if you do the head, do the rings and vise-versa.
Otherwise the other will tend to give out in a short time.
vwdiesel mailing list
vwdiesel at vwfans.com
[ Converted text/html to text/plain ]
In my neck of the woods, a valve job  (machine shop work only) is $450+. I
have no idea what the hell they do for that money!.  In fact, I think Bentl=
says NOT to reface valves or seats in diesels. I replaced my own guides and
seals and lapped the valves (they and the seats looked PERFECT before I
started) for $35, yes, that's $35.00.  But I had the tools.  The old guides
were quite worn!

You need :

A valve spring compressor (Mine was about $150, the on-the-car type from
Scheley Automotive Specialty Tools)

Valve guide seal pliers (to remove the old seals (might use something else)

Valve guide seal installer drift (about $15), there again, might use someth=

8 mm Valve guide installation (stepped) drift (about $20)

All Schley. I think that's it.  I did not have to hone the guides.

Do one valve at a time.  Firmly drive out the oil guide w/ a hammer
and.....whatever.  (I used a 1/4 inch drive extension and a 1/4 inch drive
socket of the right size, fitted backwards on its extension, no s*&t.  It
takes a GOOD forceful whack to get the guide started, then it punches out
easily.  Installation is easier, and the stepped drift prevents mushrooming
the guide.

>>> <LBaird119 at aol.com> 05/03/02 02:26AM >>>
  I tried the oversize rings filed down and had terrible results.  I only g=
30K out of a std. ring re-ring.  Of course the Rabbit's cylinder walls were
quite oddly.  They weren't tapered, they were wavy.  This is where I think
a Total Seal re-ring would pay, or at least having a set of rings modified
to the TS style.  Better sealing in a marginal bore.
  Of course if your bore is worn you should really consider a rebore.  From
what a lot of your experiences, it seems that cylinders are worn more here
than in other parts of the country.  Mt. St. Helens could be the reason
for that.  There was a lot of fine abrasive floating around this state for
several years.
  As with any engine, if you do the head, do the rings and vise-versa.
Otherwise the other will tend to give out in a short time.
vwdiesel mailing list
vwdiesel at vwfans.com

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