[Vwdiesel] Replacing Oil Seals

LBaird119 at aol.com LBaird119 at aol.com
Sun May 5 20:45:47 EDT 2002

> What is 220 tape and where do I get it?

  I presume he's talking about emery cloth in a roll.  I'd hit it with
more fine personally.  At least afterwards.  I'd end with crocus cloth.
>  Thanks also for the tips on the camshaft oil baffle - I hadn't even
>  about the valve cover serving as a hold down - duh!

  Don't feel bad.  It took me awhile too.  :)
>  I will remove the oil pan anyway, since I am also replacing the oil pan
> gasket with a windage tray.

  I did that on the Rabbit.  I'm not sure it did as much as I'd hoped for.  I
think it did help though.  I'd decided it was worthwhile when I found I
could tell it was 1 qt. low on oil when it would have more power and
faster revving.  The 1.5 has a little higher red line than the 1.6 and
certainly than the TD so there's more room for help.  Slower rpm
engines (also if you don't tend to "rap it out") will see much less or
no noticeable benefit from a windage tray.  I also drilled a few of the
lowest holes larger.  I did oil squirters so I wasn't concerned about
the need for some splash lubrication.

>  I also plan to replace the cork valve cover gasket with the all-in-one
>  molded-type gasket (I have it and the shoulderless studs).

  I've got to do that too sometime.  I need to find the part number and order
one. Fun thing is that the Rabbit has the original, older style, shoulderless
bolts.  Kind of funny they go from shoulderless, to shouldered and back
again.  Each step being an improvement!

> Am I just being too polite when I jam
>  these two together?

  Probably.  Sometimes you really have to torque the nuts together when
double nutting a stud out.  Use two box end wrenches, put them so they're
about 20 degrees or so apart and squeeze.  Be sure to run them out with
the bottom nut.  It's real fun getting the nuts apart sometimes.

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