[Vwdiesel] observations on Tdi Passat after 1yr(long)

dieseltdi at earthlink.net dieseltdi at earthlink.net
Tue May 14 22:10:44 EDT 2002

on 5/14/02 8:45 PM, griz at griz at myrealbox.com wrote:

> Mine does when first starting in the morning and when I romp it.
> Recently
> the check engine light came on and dealer said OBD said it was EGR
> related.
> Any ideas?
The 97 Passat TDI had the same cooled EGR setup as the later A4s.  This,
along with the Castrol oil or the CF oil has probably lead to clogging of
the EGR valve and the manifold.  Remove the manifold and clean it.  It will
be REALLY nasty.  I let mine soak overnight in a good quality degreaser.
Use stem brushes etc to clean it all up. I used up 4 cans of brake cleaner
in the process.  My smoke, which had been building, disappeared except when
under had acceleration but then again, the Wett chip will do that.  Hayden

-- Visit my homepage at http://home.earthlink.net/~dieseltdi
    2002 Jetta Wagon GLS TDI
    98 New Beetle TDI (now sold)
    98 Jetta TDI (Silver Arrow)
    98 Jetta TDI (daughter's car)
    90 Corrado (son's car)
    81 VW Rabbit Pickup (Caddy, just acquired)
    And many, many water cooled and aircooled
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