[Vwdiesel] REre: intermediate shaft bearings

David Kysar kysard55 at suscom.net
Thu May 30 07:43:15 EDT 2002


The vacuum pump shaft that spins the oil pump was worn,  I guess the theory
was that with that groove being worn open
it caused the intermediate shaft to wobble and it beat up the intermediate
shaft bearings.

Almost sounds like I would need to pull the crank to get to that rear


How do you mean it threw the int. shaft off?  A lot of these engines get
"rebuilt" without doing these bearings.  There are a lot of things that
in Bentley.  For one, it's more of an owner's repair manual than a tech's.
The factory manual has more info on various things but I don't know just
how to get one.  These were also considered a non-replacement item I
seem to remember reading somewhere.  They weren't available anywhere
for the longest time.

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