[Vwdiesel] RE: [Audi-VW-Diesels] Re: [vwpickups] cvjoints yet again...
James Hansen
jhsg at sk.sympatico.ca
Fri Nov 1 01:14:54 EST 2002
> --- James Hansen <jhsg at sk.sympatico.ca> wrote:
> >
> >So I tried to change the cv's from the 82 Jetta trans to the 94 Jetta
> >trans... They are not interchangeable. Blast. Seal surfaces
> are waaaay
> >different diameters, so the next option is to change joints. Now the
> >hundred dollar question is do the 100mm joints fit on a little axle shaft
> >from the 90mm joint- that is to say, is the inner spline the
> same? I don't
> >have the axle with big joints to compare, so I have to buy these to find
> Yes it will fit, but the clip wont...making the joint float on
> the splines...no one has said they have had a problem yet though.
> Why don't you just swap the flanges? Easier than going hybrid axle
Yeah, I just gotta learn to get some sleep, getting too tired in the
evenings- I should have said the flanges are different. The seal contact
surface is double the diameter on the trans I have to put in- the 94 Jetta
one. Had both flanges in my hands tonight, they are not interchangeable. I
would assume an earlier trans is the same. However, this one is not...
I assume the joint is wider and hits the stop before the clip groove is
exposed? I could turn the stop down a bit so the joint goes on the shaft
further I suppose, so the groove is exposed. If this is the only problem,
I'll order the joints tomorrow. Thanks Eric.
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