[Vwdiesel] new old golf & quesitons
Nate Wall
nwall at opei.org
Fri Nov 8 10:11:57 EST 2002
Hmmm... , not the injection oump governor? That's imposible. Black specs? Hope
its not oil from a weak head gasket. There is a black rubber sealing surface in
the thermostat. Maybe its coming apart.
'85 Golf used the replaceable rectangular headlamps (non-aerodynamic). At least
make sure they are hallogens.
dennis pantazis wrote:
> greetings all:
> my shopping trip went well today. 6 hours, 3 trains, $300 and 80 miles home.
> 85 golf. 4dr 5 sp. this was the second cheapest vw i have owned (i once
> bought a 69 bus for $10, but thats another story). thanks to all who posted
> info last night. i do apreciate it. cold refreshments all around. i missed
> that vw smell inside the cabin. gosh its nice to be back.
> now that bertha and i are home, there are a couple of things i want to ask:
> 1. little black specs in the coolant. maybe i am being overly paranoid, but
> i recall reading a post in the archives about a governor o-ring going bad
> and ending up in the coolant overflow tank. how big and how many bits are
> there if this occurs? i have noticed a couple specs of black flaoting, but i
> am hoping that its dirt. btw no bubbles at all in the tank with the engine
> at low and high idle. is there any other way to check this o-ring?
> 2. shift linkage. the linkage is sloppy and feels like it could use a set of
> bushings. maybe the relay rod too. has anyone attempted this repair at home?
> tips tricks?
> 3. headlights: wow, are they weak. i could not see their reflection on the
> vehicles ahead of me. i could see the marker lights though. a couple of
> people have mentioned that there are upgrades/conversions available. i am
> hoping to do this on the cheap. any links or faqs somewhere on this?
> thanks again.
> dennis
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