[Vwdiesel] re-ring update and thanks!

Gary Shea shea at gtsdesign.com
Sat Nov 9 16:51:10 EST 2002

I got the re-ring on my '82 rabbit diesel running a couple days ago,
took a few re-timing attempts and a lot of nasty smoke, but now it's
running cleanly and well.  Only been out on one short highway run, need
to spend a little more time getting everything sealed up tight.

I used a set of Grant rings I had laying around (uggh, I know...), did a
pretty good job of honing in one cylinder but later realized it was
pretty crappy in the other three (it was my first time doing my own
honing, usually I take engines to the machine shop for bore & hone).
Took an old ring and put a blue shop paper towel over it and pushed it
down to the bottom of the cylinder.  Actually did such a good job of
keeping things clean that I just washed out the cylinder with it in
place, using not much water.  As a result, I may have excessive wear,
based on the Loren-theory of ring replacement.  I don't care, it's only
for a few months with any luck!  And I typically put on like 10K a year.
Peanuts.  Also replaced the rod-crank bearings.

Followed someone's suggestion of cutting off a couple old head bolts and
making them into guides for the head gasket and cylinder head.  Worked

Followed the advice of wedge-man (can't remember who it was ;) for the
nasty little exhaust C-springs, uggh, never dealt with them before.  The
wedges worked fine, although it was like walking around with a bomb...
kinda spooky.  One went off in my hand but no damage done.  I was kinda
careful how I held it!

I am following the break-in recipe from an aftermarket Type IV engine
rebuild book that recommends lots of acceleration and deceleration.  It
worked great when I rebuilt my vanagon engine, so the driving around
is likely to give a passenger seasickness, but should do fine things for
seating the rings.  Given the reputation of Grant and my shabby hone
job, I'm not going to take that issue lightly!

Thanks again for everyone's ideas and advice, would have been a lot
scarier without it!



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