[Vwdiesel] valve cover gasket sealing issues...

Nate Wall nwall at opei.org
Mon Nov 11 09:02:59 EST 2002

The cover gets bent over the years where the bolts snug down. May be able to
straighten a little. I here the rubber replacement gasket workd well. Be
careful about using too much sealer. It'll get squeezed out into the head
and bits will circulate w/ the oil.


Gary Shea wrote:

> Hey, just wondering if anyone else has valve cover gasket sealing
> issues.  This one leaks like crazy with a brand new gasket.  I'm
> planning on cleaning it up and applying permatex aviation form-a-gasket,
> the world's nastiest and most effective (to my knowledge ;) leak
> stopper.
> I used the same stuff on the oil pan and it's still leaking around a
> couple screws, grrrr... did a careful job of applying the sealer, but
> only to the gasket, not the metal directly.  Sigh...
> The two screws nearest the tranny on the oil pan are hellish to get in!
> Picked up a 1/4" drive extension and 1/4" drive 10mm flex socket to try
> to get 'em in.
>         Gary
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