[Vwdiesel] cleaning injector parts

Nate Wall nwall at opei.org
Thu Nov 14 11:05:24 EST 2002

Also, trash the MPA plugs and buy a set of Bosch. My first failure of a Bosch
replacement (of the set of 4) was after 9 years!

Bart Wineland wrote:

> I have a spare set of injectors that I think have many fewer miles on them
> than the ones in my '89 na Jetta I would like to install. I'd like to break
> them down and clean them up inside first. I have the Bentley illustration
> of what's inside but wonder if there is a preferred recipe to cut the
> varnish or whatever it is that I am going to find in there?  I've only had
> the car on the road a couple months and now that it is getting cold in PA
> it is very loud when I start it and billows white/gray smoke when I first
> start it until I get running up the road. I just put new in MPA glow plugs
> (not too excited with them) and it acts the same. One of the new plugs went
> bad already so I can't say with confidence I ruled the glow plugs out as
> the problem, but would like to swap the injectors with clean ones anyhow.
> Thanks much,
> Bart
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