[Vwdiesel] rev issues

Kris krisa at subtend.net
Mon Nov 18 18:36:55 EST 2002

On Mon, Nov 18, 2002 at 08:54:16PM -0500, LBaird119 at aol.com wrote:
>   If someone's cranked the fuel delivery screw in too far it seems to bring
> it past
> the idle circuit and into the lower end of the running circuit, for lack of
> better
> terms.  They are really slow to return to idle when they're like that.
>      Loren

I've seen posts in the past about this screw.  Located on the side with
the injector line outputs.  The theme seemed to be "a little does a lot"
and "in == more fuel, out == less fuel".

Can this screw be played with safely? (ie.. can I get it back to where
it was easily if I decide to muck with it).

I'm just a packet pusher.

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