[Vwdiesel] not done yet

Holly danew at cybersol.com
Sat Nov 23 15:08:56 EST 2002

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Hi all,

  I wrote I got my daughters car runing.  She drove it two days and last ni=
ght while I was work on nightshift I get a call that the car won't shift in=
 any gear.  I got it home this morning and this afternoon I looked at it.  =
The clutch cable is intact and it moves the lever.   As the car shifts into=
 the gears you can watch the shift linkage appearing to shift into each gea=
r properly.  Also, on the way home for her that night the speedometer stopp=
ed.  The car did shift hard since I got it running a couple days ago. Somet=
imes fairly difficult getting it into 1st gear, the car is a 4 speed.  I th=
ought it's probably the clutch, but wouldn't you be able to get it into a g=
ear with the engine off.  Any idea's out there. Thanks again.


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