[Vwdiesel] 1.9 NA

drew drew at dyermaker.cs.uoguelph.ca
Tue Nov 26 13:06:15 EST 2002

The 1.6 NA and TD use a standard oval port on the intake and head (the
same as is used on 1.6, 1.8 and 2L gas engines.)  The 1.9's use a
differently shaped port that is rounded at the bottom, and sqaured on the
sides and top.  It looks a bit like a coffee mug with a rounded bottom:

      |   |
      |   |
       \ /

Note that this is from memory so I may be a bit off.  I don't know as you
would get very good flow characteristics bolting the 1.6 NA (or TD) intake
to the 1.9 head.



On Mon, 25 Nov 2002, Jim Arnott wrote:

> Work?  Elaborate please...  It's planned for a Vanagon, so I suspect that
> I'd need to use the existing intake.
> Jim
> drew wrote:
> >
> > Of course, if you take a 1.6 NA pump and exhaust manifold, you're close to
> > a 1.9 NA.  The intake takes some work as the 1.9 uses oddly shaped intake
> > ports.

Drew MacPherson - '84 Wolfsburg Edition Scirocco TurboDiesel

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