[Vwdiesel] SUV bashing

Scott Kair scott3491 at insightbb.com
Thu Oct 3 06:51:19 EDT 2002

    From the October issue of Atlantic Monthly, p. 142, a "current affairs"
mini-book review:

    _High and Mighty_  by Keith Bradsher (Public Affairs).  Bradsher, the
New York Times Detroit bureau chief for five years, examines the
environmental, economic, and- most important- safety problems created by
sport-utility vehicles.  An intelligent reader will conclude from this
meticulous and sober investigation that the makers of these behemoths have
exploited a lucrative market of self-regarding urban and suburban consumers
who care not a whit that by driving such menacing and wasteful machines they
are committing a horrendously anti-social act.

    Scott Kair

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