[Vwdiesel] Fw: broken head bolt

James Hansen jhsg at sk.sympatico.ca
Tue Oct 8 16:30:36 EDT 2002

Sandy sez:
> There's no such thing as an EASY-out.

Oh yeah, ain't that the truth!! :))
Best results I have so far is with left hand drill bits and Rigid brand
extractors.  They are round with four tiny cutting edges on them and a
sliding "nut", you hammer them in. The round part is a slip fit into the
hole, and the cutting edges are small, but they sort of broach their way in
and tend not to expand the bolt remains and make it stuck worse.  The number
of times I have successfully removed a stud broken off flush with a casting
with the tapered square four corner type I can count on one hand (finger?).
Same goes for the left hand  coarse screw thread type of extractor- they
just chew their way in and expand the dead bolt so bad, it has no hope of
coming out.   Usually if the left hand drill doesn't do it just by pressure
relief and drilling friction, the ridgid extractors will, plug welding a nut
on is still the best, or just drilling the darn thing out oversize and
either machining an insert to thread in that has the original size bolt
inside (like a vw case saver) or just drilling exactly on center or blowing
it out with a torch if in cast iron and tapping out the remains. If really
and truly stuck, easy outs aren't. The lisle type (brand) that are hardened
tool steel six point star shaped end with a hex wrench fitting on the top
(very short ones) that you drill a shallow hole and hammer in are a break
off in the hole disaster.  Wouldn't even qualify as a proper hemmorhoid
remover...  And they are HARD- torch or EDM machine to remove only. Blech.

> Odds are if it's stuck bad enough to cause the bolt to break in the first
> place, that fiendish little hemerhoid remover will not help.

now having a better day.... sporting a tool box full of useless easy outs
and a smile...

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