[Vwdiesel] TD swap black smoke from using NA exhaust?

Milton Kaplan teacher525 at juno.com
Thu Oct 10 16:48:35 EDT 2002

With the previous 1.6 NA engine I once had a black smoke problem when
starting; replacing injectors solved this problem. In this case The td
engine doesn't smoke until under load in 4th and 5th. Seems like more of
a problem of too much fuel getting to the injectors under load.

10 Oct 2002 10:38:12 -0400 Nate Wall <nwall at opei.org> writes:
> I had real bad black smoke like that on my Jetta TD. I replaced the
> injectors
> and timing belt (it got retimed w/ a dial indicator) and the smoke
> disappeared, so I can't say for sure which it was, but the nozzle
> holes in
> the old injectors looked worn a little bigger than the new ones!
> --Nate

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