[Vwdiesel] Sometimes life sucks!

Shalyn Shourds sshourds at flash.net
Tue Oct 15 23:27:54 EDT 2002

LBaird119 at aol.com wrote:

>  I want to thank all of you for your support.  Believe me, I needed it!
>we went up to drain, pump, siphon, whatever, about 7 gallons of puke out of
>the tank.  My son got his first taste of gas and he's a die hard diesel lover
>now!  He said he learned something today!  Do NOT suck gas... or gas sucks!
>  The car seems to be getting better as it runs, the little we've run it.
>So, all
>looks well.  Now back to the original to-do list!
>  Thanks again guys!  :)
>     Loren
>vwdiesel mailing list
>vwdiesel at vwfans.com
Uh, just remember that two tablespoons (or was that teaspoons?) of gas
in the lungs = dead.

I learned my lesson on mouth siphoning in the lab at the sewer plant
changing out nasty incubator water.  That's a taste that doesn't freshen
the pallate.

I am glad to hear that it's getting better.  Someone who lives with my
Dad (not me, but probably ought not expose the guilty in an
international forum) filled the tank of their newly rebuilt (engine,
pump, paint, interior, tranny) Diesel Volvo wagon completely full of
unleaded and ran it until it died.  After Dad emptied out that rather
large tank and filled it up with Diesel and primed it real well,
everything's been fine for years.  There were a few sickening moments,
though.  Thousands of dollars and thousands of hours perfecting a car


'85 Jetta TD  down for a minor overhaul--front wheel bearing, CV joint
and body work for it's biennial totalling.

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