[Vwdiesel] Glow Plug Problems

Bill Truesdell bhfarms at suscom-maine.net
Wed Oct 16 08:55:44 EDT 2002

sorrentino2 at excite.com wrote:

> I went to start the car tonight, temp in low 50's. No good. I heard the relay kick out, but no starting. Took a rag and doused it with wd-40 and placed it in front of the air inlet. Started, white smoke.  I replaced the glow plugs with Bosch units less than a year ago. Did not replace the relay. Haven't pulled the plugs to test them yet. Since the first set of JC Whitney plugs blew out in less than 6-months,
My experience with JC Whitney plugs and GP relay was not good and
similar to what you are going through. I only buy Bosch glowplugs and
life is much better with years before failure instead of months or one
year max.

Also, check the fuse and carry plenty as spares in the car. Amazing when
they can decide to fail.

Bill T

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