[Vwdiesel] broken headbolt conclusion

Nate Wall nwall at opei.org
Thu Oct 17 09:36:14 EDT 2002

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it's an actual crack, visible to the deck then the block was bad to start
with, thanks to a PO.>>>

Or current owner, in  my case! This brings up a question. Months ago I reported
a coolant leak I could not see that AlumaSeal stopped. (It was behind the iner
timing belt cover and pump bracket). It occurred immediately after I put new
rings in (R & R of the head). I figured I got a little crud under the head
gasket. When removing all components to put on the new motor, I found the leak.
The block was cracked right through the right front head bolt hole (obviously
my doing). When I replaced the head, the bolts were hell to torque. They were
binding like crazy. I did take the time to case the threads w/ the old bolts
and used WD-40 and sucked all the crud out, but I guess It was not good enough.
This is a TD block. Question: can the crack be repaired by welding, or should I
just trash it? To be rebuilt, the block needs a bore to the oversize, and it
still may be out of spec. The ridge is huge in the cylinders. See the attached
pic of the crack before I got the head off.


LBaird119 at aol.com wrote:

> > When I squirted oil in the hole I noticed it didn't fill up with oil as
> > somehow there was a crack or hole that when into the coolant passage area
>   JB Weld?  If it's just an opening into the coolant area that might work.
> If
> it's an actual crack, visible to the deck then the block was bad to start
> with,
> thanks to a PO.  :(
>   Perhaps the opening to the coolant is why the bolt's rusted in place to
> start with.  Sealing it off would remedy that.  You'd be amazed at what's
> been done!  Of course if you have a perfectly good block sitting around,
> why not use it right?  :)
>      Loren
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[ TD Swap 019.jpg of type image/jpeg deleted ]

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