[Vwdiesel] about to re-ring, scuff question

LBaird119 at aol.com LBaird119 at aol.com
Mon Oct 21 23:52:48 EDT 2002

> So if I read you right, the blue paper shop towels are preventing any of
>  the goop from getting into the bottom end?  When you use soap and water,
>  you're using a very small amount and just in the cylinder that's
>  plugged off?  Man you have talent!

  Naaah, I ain't THAT talented!  I just scrub away and then wash with buckets
of warm or hot water.  Hot gets the oil out better and warms the block
so that it dries quicker and is less prone to rust.  Problem is my hands
have gotten to almost too big to get in the cylinders.  Plenty of soap
helps that. My hands usually hurt afterwards though.  Having a willing
daughter (and semi-convinceable son) come in handy when I really
don't feel like cramming my hands in there.
>  Every time I try something like that I have a disaster.  Reminds me of
>  an old "Wizard of Id" cartoon where one of the guys is making "water
>  balls" (yeah, the impossible kind) and stacking them up, tosses one to
>  another guy and of course water goes everywhere, 'cause the other guy is
>  some kind of misfit, can't even hold a water ball.  That would be me!

  You CAN still dig a half of a hole when it's required can't you?  ;-)
>  But what the hell... I'll give it a try! ;)  The ring groove cleaner
>  also sounds like a good idea.  I'll get the hone and groove cleaner at
>  Sears so I can take my various worthless ruined Sears screwdrivers back
>  for exchange!  Ever have to take a ridge-reamer to the cylinder?  My TD
>  is just slightly out of tolerance, but still has almost no ridge
>  somehow..

  I tried a ridge reamer once.  Ugly, awkward and did a less than ideal
job.  If the piston will come out, don't even bother.  Just hone as much
off as you can.
  My Rabbit's cylinders were out of spec with little ridge.  They were
wavy instead of tapered.  Of course .0025" of wear is out of spec so
that doesn't leave much ridge!
>  I'm amazed that you can get the head off without taking the engine out,
>  but it sounds great!  I took a quick look a few days ago, and had
>  convinced myself that I wouldn't be able to get to the intake and
>  exhaust manifold Allen screws.  I'll have to try harder.  Do you take
>  the hood off so you can get in there better?  Ooooh, does that maybe
>  mean I don't have to undo those horrible exhaust clamps?  Just leave the
>  manifold hanging there?
  Generally you leave both manifolds on, dare I say always?  There are
times you wouldn't but for the most part, pull the hoses, wires, cables
that are in the way, undo the stupid exhaust clamps unless it's 80 or
earlier and pull the head bolts.  Off comes the head.  It's not quite that
easy but almost. :)  At least you don't have to try and pull all those nuts
and allen bolts blindly!

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