[Vwdiesel] about to re-ring, scuff question

Sandy Cameron scameron at compmore.net
Tue Oct 22 00:16:31 EDT 2002

At 08:07 PM 10/21/02 -0600, you wrote:

>I'm amazed that you can get the head off without taking the engine out,
>but it sounds great!  I took a quick look a few days ago, and had
>convinced myself that I wouldn't be able to get to the intake and
>exhaust manifold Allen screws.  I'll have to try harder.

It's an NA? Don't take off the manifolds, just pop off the exhaust springs
with a long bar (make sure they are out of eye line when you do it)
I do it from above with a long bar, and they have never gone out from under
the car.

I tie the hood up straight with a rope to the trunk, and stand in the car
and just lift the head, with manifolds attached, straight up (after removing
the head bolts and the 2 little ones that hold the front plate to the head)
The cam sprocket has to be off, and I think there is one other small bolt
through the pump support plate into the head.

To guide the head back on, and hold the gasket in place, I cut the heads off
2 old head bolts and slotted them with a hacksaw, the slots narrow enoug to
jam a flat blade screwdriver in the slot. after assembly, I back the
"locator studs" out of the block, and with the screwdriver jammed in the
slot, lift them out.

Of course, I had installed a few of the new head bolts before removing them.

The cursed exhaust springs:

I made a pair of steel wedges that I drive in to the springs to spread them
a little, and set them in place in the notches in the manifold and pipe
flange, and gently tap them out, allowing the spring to contract and grab.
No sweat.

Someone has used an exhaust pipe clamp, by reversing the clamp portion on
the U, with the nuts inside, and using it like a jack to spread the clip.
This could be a lethal weapon if not done VERY carefully. some means (welded
bumps, 2 mini-hoseclamps, } on each side of the spring so it doesnt slide
off the hump of the "U", use the nuts evenly to press the spring open, set
in place, and then release the nuts evenly to let the spring contract.
Sounds easy. I like my wedges.

I have done 2 different NA's head gaskets with the manifolds on, and never
had to deal with the rusty bolts. HSII


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