[Vwdiesel] about to re-ring, scuff question

Anton Largiader largiader at worldlynx.net
Mon Oct 28 18:13:32 EST 2002

From: <LBaird119 at aol.com>

>...I have a friend that raced motorcycles and he'd take a
> freshly honed cylinder, clean all oil from it, wipe  it with a sponge and
> let it sit out overnight and assemble it with dry rings.  Said they were
> seated by the end of the first lap!

Racers aren't looking for 300k miles out of an engine, either. :)

Just got this link about breaking in.  Haven't read it yet.


Anton Largiader, Chester Springs, PA
'94 K75RT, '93 R100GSPD,  '94 R1100RSA, '98 Jetta TDI
anton at largiader.com   http://www.largiader.com

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