[Vwdiesel] Re: glow plug relay

boyer at cts.com boyer at cts.com
Wed Sep 4 12:19:36 EDT 2002

Wire the relay for B+ under the hood then run a ground wire to
activate the relay.  this way you don't have B+ running through
your firewall and if the wire you do have gets grounded, it will
only actuate the relay...not catch fire.

Chris Boyer
San Diego, CA

Michael Alexander <malexand at inreach.com> writes:
>[ Picked text/plain from multipart/alternative ]
>Cassie wrote:
>>can anyone see a problem with removing the glow plug relay
>>('80 1600 rabbit..na)
>>and sorta bypassing it with a
>>button to glow...???
>>(heavy duty button)
>>hold the button for..however many seconds?
>>(assuming i don't hold button too long...)
>>(its *not* idiot proof)
>>(krap..maby i shouldnt do this?  ;o)  )
>I had the same problem with an old rabbit. Get the amperage value of either
>relay or the fuse for the glow plug circuit.
>Go to a good auto parts store and get a waterproof relay with the same or
>larger output amperage value. Connect this relay under the hood into the
>exhisting  glow plug power circuit using  the exhisting fuse and  as short
>power line as possible. Activate this relay with your push button. Remove
>exhisting glow plug relay. Make sure you fuse the push button circuit.
>Using the push button to run the glow plugs directly will not allow the
>voltage to get to the plugs. Also having high current wiring in the cockpit
>m alexander
>vwdiesel mailing list
>vwdiesel at vwfans.com

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