[Vwdiesel] Cracking Sockets

James Hansen jhsg at sk.sympatico.ca
Thu Apr 3 22:48:59 EST 2003

> Oh, perhaps if you used your oxy torch, you wouldn't have to use
> a six foot
> pipe so often...  (grin)

Interesting about the socket brittleness, thanks.  The things you learn....

I got the inch drive air impact to substitute for a six foot breaker bar.
Got tired of getting whacked in the head by a pipe when the bolts broke
loose:-)  Something to be said for sockets with nearly inch thick walls...
and a hard head... A wool toque doth not a hard hat make.  Now, when it goes
whup-whup-whup, either bolts unthread, or break.

It snowed again. six inches so far.  Yay.

in sunny Saskatchewan
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