[Vwdiesel] Rear Wheel Bearing Adjustment

Nate Wall natewall1 at yahoo.com
Fri Apr 4 08:09:16 EST 2003

The 1984 Nissan Sentra manual I have shows a picture
of the rear wheel bearing pre-load (starting Torque)
being measured. A special hand-held spring scale is
hooked to one of the lug bolt studs and a gentle pull
given to the scale. Just as the wheel begins to turn,
the scale is read. The bearing is adjusted until the
proper value is obtained. I just tighten 'til the
washer can barely be moved w/ a screwdriver.


--- LBaird119 at aol.com wrote:
> > The bottom line is that adjusting bearings is a
> touch thing, guys.
>   I've never had any fail on me but I can *just*
> move the washer through
> about an eighth of a turn of the nut, depending on
> how much pressure
> you call just still being able to move it.
>   The reason this bugs ME so much is the first wheel
> bearings I ever
> did had an inch pound torque spec!  You torqued down
> then backed
> up 1/12 of a turn or such.  There was a definite
> setting rather than by
> "feel" kind of like most of us do our timing belts.
> Just kind of a personal
> issue with me. ;-)
>      Loren
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