[Vwdiesel] Diesel Hagar the third person ??? .

Shirley, Mark R MarkRShirley at eaton.com
Tue Apr 8 09:34:27 EDT 2003

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Tyler "Casioqv" Backman [mailto:casioqv at usermail.com]

> My 6.2 has never had any injector pump problems or leaks after 240k
> miles, and I am sure that it will never have any. It has never had any
> lubrication additive, and runs on #2 diesel,

You're one of the few.  I've heard about these problems from more than a
and you're one strike in the other column.

I suspect that your friend's injector pump
> problems were
> likely due to using fuel with poor lubrication properties, or
> something
> such as water in the fuel, but not the result of a poor
> quality pump.

They buy fuel at various consumer stations in Michigan, and you've not heard
of the infamous DB4 injector pump problems?

 My truck with Banks Turbo kit and
> Blackstone (Volvo) Intercooler puts out approx. 250hp and 450 ft*lb of
> torque, with a total investment of under $3000. A 6.9 puts out approx.
> 175hp and 365 ft*lb of torque stock,

Comparing a tuned up turbo'd original NA engine with a NA engine is not
My 6.9 w/ATS turbo is somewhere up in that range you've noted.

> Also, note that I do not race my 6.2, but tow trailers with
> it. A heavy
> duty diesel engine is not designed for running at high rpms.
> If you want
> to race, I will race your "ATS turbo'd 6.9" with my 300
> horsepower 1800
> pound Porsche 914 when I get it done.

I wasn't suggesting a race in the classic sense.  Perhaps a "pull-off" would
be a
better term.

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