[Vwdiesel] My TURBO test (more scientific)

Nate Wall natewall1 at yahoo.com
Tue Apr 8 11:25:53 EDT 2003

Mine must be set a little leaner (or kicks in later)
than Sandy's. At about 2300 RPM I begin to feel a
perceptable pull that increases a little (especially
up hills) and I begin to dump black smoke at about
4,000 RPMs. I fiddled w/ the aneroid before and now I
have decent power and little smoke and get about 48
MPGs, so I'm content at the setting. I figure I'd
really mess it up if I tinker w/ it again.

--- Sandy Cameron <scameron at compmore.net> wrote:
> At 07:43 PM 4/7/03 -0500, you wrote:
> >on 4/7/03 5:30 PM, Mike & Coreen Smith at
> ve9aa at nbnet.nb.ca wrote:
> >
> >
> >> On the way home the hose actually fell off (poor
> fit) and I was getting ZERO
> >> boost, but didn't notice much if any difference,
> BTW.
> >>
> sure sounds like inadequate fueling. Min is just
> about optimum, and
> perceptibly slams me back in the seat with the pedal
> on the floor, when it
> hits 2000 RPM.
> Does not blow smoke until 3000rpm.
> advice from others with intructions on adjustin
> fueling screw.
> I'm sure the aneroid will not do much if the main
> fueling screw is out too far.
> Sandy
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