[Vwdiesel] Bite the bullet...Split the spaceship...

Nate Wall natewall1 at yahoo.com
Thu Apr 10 16:11:59 EDT 2003

When I pulled the diaphram on mine, I noticed a bit of
really old smelling diesel in there that was silver
colored from metal from years of the pintle riding up
and down in its bore. I removed the old fuel nad put a
few drops of fresh diesel in there. I've heard that
the seal can get so bad that fuel drips out of the
little rubber boot at the base of the aneroid. How's
this seal replaced?

--- Mark Shepherd <markonee1 at hotmail.com> wrote:
> [ Converted text/html to text/plain ]
> open her up... (Undo the 4 perimeter screws)...
> 1) Check that you can depress diaphragm...1/2  inch
> ish...
> 2) I see no reason why you can't depress this
> diaphragm with your finger
> whilst engine on tick over...engine should rev.If it
> only revs a little then
> this could be linked to dia rotation.
> 3)pull dia. and inspect the position of the wear on
> cone; and hold infront of brightlight
> incase of perforation of same.
> 4) Inspect position of crimped/welded collar on
> power screw (the screw facing
> same way as pump outputs)...It may be screwed out
> with gap between collar and
> pump body (its function is to limit screwing in by
> amateurs; and increasing
> boost)
> Mark(the Miser)UK "If I can bend it or stick it
> together; I will!...(;o}
>                                  Keep the craftsmen
> alive!"
> Overloaded with spam? With MSN 8 [1] you can filter
> it out
> ===References:===
>   1. http://g.msn.com/8HMOENUK/2728
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