[Vwdiesel] Auxiliary Battery

LBaird119 at aol.com LBaird119 at aol.com
Mon Apr 21 01:37:03 EDT 2003

  If it's having trouble starting in those temps, the solution is to fix the
rather than add a battery, more wiring and an isolator plus a relay and
whatever else you have planned.  I've had no problems starting at -20 to -30F
with no outlets nearby.
  You have nearly 3 seasons to get the bugs out.  Things to check are:
Glow plugs, glow plug fuse, glow plug relay, starter, existing battery,
alternator output (a second battery won't tax the alternator any more than
one unless you plan on draining both regularly).  Upgrade the battery cables
to 6V sized cables or something near 1GA.  Clean terminals and connections.
Make sure pump timing is correct, good injectors, good compression, clean
fuel and air filters.
  You may have a problem or you may have a neglected maintenance item.
It's best to know which and fix that before/instead of adding a battery.

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