[Vwdiesel] Rabbit Diesel --is the Diesel a French or a German
invention ???
Andrew Miller
milleraw at comcast.net
Sun Apr 27 21:48:38 EDT 2003
[ Picked text/plain from multipart/alternative ]
From a few paragraphs down on the second link:
"Karl Benz built his fist three-wheel automobile employing Otto’s
engine. "
And George Seldon patented a gas engine..[not the gas engine]. He
apparently worked with Ford.
On Saturday, Apr 26, 2003, at 11:21 US/Eastern, TexasTDI wrote:
> LOL....do a Google search on the exact phrase "Inventor of the Gasoline
> Engine". You'll get no less than THREE different names from three
> different
> websites.
> Karl Friedrich Benz
> http://www.vor.ru/century/1949.html
> Nikolaus August Otto
> http://ia.essortment.com/nikolausaugust_rcoe.htm
> George Seldon
> http://www.nexpress.com/dyn/careers/ro030206.jsp
> Chris Thornton
> 1991 Volkswagen Jetta 2 Door 1.6 Diesel - 236k miles
> 2000 Volkswagen Golf 1.9TDI (turbo diesel) - 81k miles
> Amsoil Synthetic Lubricants Dealer #1098500
> http://www.amsoil.com
> http://texastdi.com/6/ubb.x
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Andrew Miller" <milleraw at comcast.net>
> To: "TexasTDI" <TexasVWdriver at hotmail.com>
> Sent: Saturday, April 26, 2003 9:06 PM
> Subject: Re: [Vwdiesel] Rabbit Diesel --is the Diesel a French or a
> German
> invention ???
>> I think you are mistaken about the gas engine inventor. It is
>> Otto...the first name escapes me right now. Otto ended up working
>> closely with Benz to produce vehicles. I will have to dig up the
>> History of Science class paper I had to write in college on this
>> topic.
>> Hence the fact that gas engines run on the Otto cycle.
>> On Friday, Apr 25, 2003, at 02:07 US/Eastern, TexasTDI wrote:
>>> Rudolf Diesel invented the Diesel engine. An engine that was powered
>>> by
>>> burning peanut oil instead of gasoline or being powered by steam.
>>> The
>>> differences aren't just the types of fuel these engines use. The
>>> very
>>> design and engineering of these engines are different.
>>> Diesel engines use the high heat, caused by compression, to ignite
>>> the
>>> fuel.
>>> Gasoline engines use an electric spark to ignite the fuel. And steam
>>> engines simply use the steam pressure created by boiling water to
>>> move
>>> the
>>> internal parts.
>>> Rudolf Diesel was born in Paris in 1858. But his parents were
>>> Bavarian
>>> immigrants. Bavaria is a state in Germany, well known for the city
>>> of
>>> Munich. Diesel was a German no matter what country he might have
>>> been
>>> born
>>> in. So the Diesel engine is a German invention.
>>> The gasoline engine is also a German invention. It's inventor was
>>> Karl
>>> Friedrich Benz.
>>> Chris Thornton
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