[Vwdiesel] New blood

Scott Kair scott3491 at insightbb.com
Sun Aug 3 08:20:05 EDT 2003

    We had a newbie searching for a Diesel community find his way onto the
off-topic wart list.  The guy was given, for free, a Peugeot 505 which sat
for three years and started right up when he put a good battery in it.
    I've never even laid eyes on one of these, but the guy is quite
enthusiastic about it.  I've suggested that he subscribe to at least one of
these lists for a wider experience base, but having been subscribed for so
long, I'm not sure how to go about it anymore.
    If anyone has recent information on subscribing to either list (there
was a glitch in the enrolling software on the audifans list at one time),
I'd appreciate it greatly if you could reply so I could cross post it to the
OT list and get the guy signed on here.
    Scott Kair

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