[Vwdiesel] AC Belt

Forrest L King forrestking at juno.com
Mon Aug 4 14:27:46 EDT 2003

yes, I have had this problem.  it stemmed solely from the fact that the
moron at the parts store gave me a belt that he thought was "close
enough".    Once I had the right elt it was smooth sailing.


On Mon, 4 Aug 2003 14:33:49 -0400 "Ethan Vos" <ethan at forward.ca> writes:
> Has anybody run into a situation where there is not enough adjustment
> to
> tighten up the AC belt?
> Any idea what to look for? The adjustment bracket is new. Could it
> have
> been installed incorrectly? Are some makes of belts no good?
> Ethan
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