[Vwdiesel] dyeing fuel

Todd Osterbrink toddo at dwave.net
Wed Aug 6 22:35:37 EDT 2003

A guy down the road from my uncle's farm ran off-road diesel in his street
driven truck.  He got in an accident in town, spilt some fuel, and after the
cops filled their report he went home.

A month later a state trooper pulled into his drive way and asked about the
accident, and about the fuel he used.  The trooper told the guy they did the
dye analysis and found out it was off-road diesel.  They told him he could
either get a lawyer for $5000.00 or more to plead inocent, goto jail get his
property confiscated, or pay a $10,000.00 fine!

He paid the fine (his attorny told him it was cheaper!).  They told him if
he decided to goto court, he could get other charges put against him too!
He didn't want the hassle and paid!  This was in Wisconsin.  So be

Oh I talked to a guy about the dye.  He said if you run it (off-road stuff),
and you need to change to the taxed stuff, (like when the police are on to
you) you need to completly drain your tank, and run good fuel through it for
a minimum 2 full tanks plus change the fuel filters twice and pray.  The
Troopers can detect the stuff at parts per million when they send it to the
crime lab!  That's if, they want to be a prick!!

As for searches, in Wisconsin If the cops have probable cause (like if they
see open beer in your car) they can search without a warrant!  It's like an

----- Original Message -----
From: "Forrest L King" <forrestking at juno.com>
To: <hseaver at cybershamanix.com>
Cc: <vwdiesel at vwfans.com>
Sent: Wednesday, August 06, 2003 12:47 PM
Subject: Re: [Vwdiesel] dyeing fuel

> Harmon,  I am not sure you are entirely correct on this - in fact i
> beleive that by driving on a public road you are consenting to a  check -
> just like driving on the road means you will take an alcohol test (and if
> you refuse you will be prosecuted as if you had failed the test).
> >
> >    Yeah, I know they do that a bit in CA, I recall when I was living
> > in BC some
> > of the locals worrying about getting caught with "purple gas". But
> > I've never,
> > ever, heard of it in the US. First off, they'd have to have a search
> > warrant,
> > with probably cause to search. Unless the driver agreed to the
> > search, of
> > course, and the Supreme Court has recently outlawed searches of any
> > kind in
> > random stops, or traffic stops.
> > >
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