[Vwdiesel] dyeing fuel

Harmon Seaver hseaver at cybershamanix.com
Thu Aug 7 07:35:24 EDT 2003

On Wed, Aug 06, 2003 at 09:35:37PM -0500, Todd Osterbrink wrote:
> Oh I talked to a guy about the dye.  He said if you run it (off-road stuff),
> and you need to change to the taxed stuff, (like when the police are on to
> you) you need to completly drain your tank, and run good fuel through it for
> a minimum 2 full tanks plus change the fuel filters twice and pray.  The
> Troopers can detect the stuff at parts per million when they send it to the
> crime lab!  That's if, they want to be a prick!!

    I've never had any real access to off-road fuel, but #2 heating fuel works
just as good and it doesn't have any dye.

> As for searches, in Wisconsin If the cops have probable cause (like if they
> see open beer in your car) they can search without a warrant!  It's like an
> invitation!

    Only if you let them. You have to agree to the search, or they have to go
get a warrant. And if the "probable cause" is an open beer, than that's all they
can search for -- no drugs, no guns, no dyed fuel.

Harmon Seaver

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