[Vwdiesel] Injection timing of Old Volks # 7 -- ( The starting line )

H .Hagar h_hagar at prcn.org
Mon Aug 11 07:13:36 EDT 2003

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Why do we set pump to the line on pump ?    because that's where the inject=
ion piston ( there is only one ) starts the stroke,    That way it is safe =
to drive car without worry that injection is advanced to far. If everything=
 else works properly it is possible to make her smoke. Could the camlobes b=
e worn ??? ---yes .Very easy to check. Just check total stroke with dial in=
dicator.  Lots of diddling --you say ???   absolutely , but the feeling of =
euphoria one gets from flying up that hill without a smoke-system is worth =
it.     Hagar.
PS:  Those of you on veggie oils probably have less troubles due to high vi=
scosity of that type of oil.

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