[Vwdiesel] Simple tune up questions

John Davis johnd at rocketmail.com
Mon Aug 11 07:57:27 EDT 2003

[ Picked text/plain from multipart/alternative ]

Hello all,

I am new to the list and have just purchased a 2002 Jetta TDI (automatic). =
 I purchased it for all the obvious reasons so I won't go into how much I l=
ove it!

It's time for an oil change (10K - 5K when I got it from the dealer) and I =
was wondering what the conses is on oil.  The dealer uses Castrol 5W30 pure=
 synthetic at about $8/qt.  I don't mind the money.  I just want to make su=
re to use the best for engine life and fuel economy.  Any thoughts on air f=
ilters would be good too and/or other standard maintenance tips.

With the automatic I am getting from 41 to 45 mpg.  Does this sound like a =
good average?

Thanks!  John

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