[Vwdiesel] Simple tune up questions

Derek weasel1 at sympatico.ca
Mon Aug 11 15:20:18 EDT 2003

Well first thing, the dealer should not be using 5w30.  They use a "made for
them only" 5w40 ( Castrol )  Its decent oil, but there is better.  For me, I
use Petro Can 5w40.  Damned good oil and hard to beat the price.  Other
excellent oils would be Delvac 1 ( sold at most Wal-Marts ), Valvoline
premium blue ( 5w40 ) and Amsoil 5w40.  Air filters are another point of
debate.  Adding a high flow one ( such as K&N or a PiperCross ) won't add
any HP, but will decrease the spool up time of the turbo.  Personally I
think that any reduction of stress on the turbo is a good thing and that's
why I have a K&N.  Clean it about once a year and life's good.  I change my
oil every 10K(ilometers).  Other than that, get some good fuel additives and
your engine will long outlive the body of that car !

----- Original Message -----
From: "John Davis" <johnd at rocketmail.com>
To: <vwdiesel at vwfans.com>
Sent: Monday, August 11, 2003 9:57 AM
Subject: [Vwdiesel] Simple tune up questions

[ Picked text/plain from multipart/alternative ]

Hello all,

I am new to the list and have just purchased a 2002 Jetta TDI (automatic).
I purchased it for all the obvious reasons so I won't go into how much I
love it!

It's time for an oil change (10K - 5K when I got it from the dealer) and I
was wondering what the conses is on oil.  The dealer uses Castrol 5W30 pure
synthetic at about $8/qt.  I don't mind the money.  I just want to make sure
to use the best for engine life and fuel economy.  Any thoughts on air
filters would be good too and/or other standard maintenance tips.

With the automatic I am getting from 41 to 45 mpg.  Does this sound like a
good average?

Thanks!  John

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