[Vwdiesel] Prevention - was Engine Hints

Forrest L King forrestking at juno.com
Wed Aug 13 16:26:56 EDT 2003

Ok guys -  I see that we have had a lengthy discussion on the bad things
that can happen with a 'runaway engine'   - now,  what can we do about

I currently run a Valve Cover (VC) that  has a small integrated pocket in
which some steel wool is placed - the purpose, obviously, is to allow the
oil to congregate on the steel wool and drip back down into the engine -
instead of being blown out of the Vent into the Air cleaner.

On my gas engine there was a plastic sheet, often called a windage tray,
that was situated dirctly beneath the VC on top of the cam towers.  Would
this tray prevent the oil from being blown out if i installed on on my

I have also seen discussion of putting a VC breather filter on.  to do
this you have to completely remove the breather hose and plug the hole on
top of the intake.  Then you just put a filter on top of the VC.

Does anybody have any experience with any of these?  I'd like to hear
what you have had luck with.

I currently run a windage tray in my oil pan - a nifty little tray that
keep the crank from sloshing in the oil and supposedly prevents the oil
from foaming so much - IT was a good idea- I think.


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