[Vwdiesel] Rabbit gone berserk --- ( the unabridged version )
H .Hagar
h_hagar at prcn.org
Wed Aug 13 17:58:03 EDT 2003
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Yes you all got valid points and solutions to this behavioral flaw in Rabbi=
ts . And for me now that the SMOKE SMOKE has cleared I have a few op my s=
leeve as well . The year ? 1997 the rabbit ? a 1980 1.5L NA low mi=
leage (PO?) 300 dollarC special .(tells it all) I had never driven a Rabb=
it before. Note from police in glove compartment said too noisy get it fixe=
d and report to station. Now I knew the brakes were lousy , but I figured I=
could limp to Midas and back early in the morning.On my way back , on the =
main highway (101) about 2 km from driveway she started to speed up.No pro=
blemo for a hillbilly like me I thought. It is all downhill , just turn key=
off and coast home .Then the thing went totally mad (with key off) so I re=
efed on the brakes all of them.The power was impressive.Brakes would not ev=
en slow her.(too bad I was not on a dyno). Finally I had to pull her out=
of gear , and managed to pull to side of road and stop, just short of driv=
eway.Driveway is over there on the cheap side. -----Pulled key out of ignit=
ion and tossed it out of window.---- while I sat there waiting for the thi=
ng to toss pistons and rods all over the place, a highway rig pulled in and=
stopped in front of me , the driver came running with a fire extinguisher.=
----and poof she spooled down. Yes it was silk smooth and sounded like a tu=
rbine , guessing at the Max RPM ? probably 10 to 15 grand. The trucker thou=
ght I was on fire , no wonder , it was then I saw the cloud of smoke obscur=
ing the highway behind us.Now thats what I call smoke. I thanked the driv=
er and went to the house for a cold beer. Was it exciting and fun , absolu=
tely I laughed like hell for several minutes.Then in to the driveway, .Expe=
cted bent valves or damaged pistons , so I phoned a local VW fixer. What do=
I do ? he said try to start it. VOLA no problemo . I the drove it for a wh=
ile with a rubber hose, from VC to back bumper.I have since taken the head =
off etc.Valves never touched pistons . Top rings vere stuck (one broken). N=
ow the rumor can be put to rest --they will run away on oil from crankcase.=
That concludes my saga abuot a haywire jackrabbit. --hope some of you com=
e forward with similar tales. Hagar.
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