[Vwdiesel] runaway

Forrest L King forrestking at juno.com
Thu Aug 14 12:22:17 EDT 2003

hey - you stole my idea!!

I agree - this would shut it down quickly.

somebody try it and let us know if it hurts the engine, headgasket,
valves, etc. :)


On Thu, 14 Aug 2003 08:38:34 -0700 Bob Soukup
<bobs at chemdec.natsci.csulb.edu> writes:
> All the talk about runaways got me to thinking, wouldn't flooding
> the
> air intake with the output of a CO2 type fire extinguisher quell
> the
> beast?  After all, it needs both fuel (oil) and oxygen (in air) to
> run.
> Starve it of either and it should stop, right?
> Bob Soukup
> '81 RabbitTruck
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