[Vwdiesel] runaways -- ( Forrest King you can sell me one)

H .Hagar h_hagar at prcn.org
Thu Aug 14 17:31:32 EDT 2003

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Forrest  did suggest a CO2   14 Jan 2003. , and that may be a lot simpler t=
han you think . Small CO2 bottles are used in flotation devices on Aircraft=
's and ferries etc. real neat little things. DeHavilland Mossies use CO2  b=
ottles injected right in air intake and I know of one fella that triggered =
one on take off. Never heard anyone say it harmed the engine.    Now I feel=
 obligated to protect my new image as a Hillbilly so here we go. Apiece of =
pianowire looped around hose from VC through firewall with a "T" handle in =
dash. "tongue in cheek" as usual. ya da. ---- Not only was it great fun whe=
n it happened , but it is still fun to go over all the suggestions from man=
y people. Some were down right hilarious.    ---   final comment's .      B=
y the time I could have got out the door the thing had spooled up so high ,=
 that no way would I go near the thing -  a 300 dollar piece of junk ????  =
NO way . I am a chickenshit around rotating machinery. Have personally seen=
 rotor blades fly off choppers and blades and propellers come off aircraft'=
s=2E On airliners if they give me a seat looking at blade tips , I ask for =
another seat. Bill Peppler  of COPA  lost his sister when a propeller came =
of a Viscount , and sliced in to her seat.           Hagar.
PS: please correct me if those small bottles are not CO2.

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