[Vwdiesel] AC pivot bolt

Roger Brown r.c.brown at ieee.org
Thu Aug 14 17:16:27 EDT 2003

Nate Wall wrote:
> <<<Over time, the compressor ears would fatigue and
> shear off the smaller bolts like a bolt cutter. I
> imagine first one then the other bolt would fail. So
> to fix this, I drilled out the threaded holes to the
> same size as the holes in the compressor and used a
> through-bolt and nylon lock nut (I recall using 7/16")
> to hold the two together. After securing the
> compressor this way, I never had a problem with loose
> belts.>>>>
> The above is from your web page Roger, Thanks.
> Question: To adjust the A/C belt, those (and all the
> other mounting bolts) bolts have to be loosened and
> then retightened after the belt is tightened (by the
> compressor being moved by its threaded adjuster bolt).
> How do you prevent the nylon locknut from turning w/
> the bolt when the bolt is turned after you make this
> fix? I thought that is why the A/C bracket was
> threaded in the first place.
> After reading your web page I now know how the
> compressor bracket in '85 Jetta TD #2 got so f&%#ed
> up. I just put a threaded insert in it and extracted
> from the other hole a broken off bolt. In addition,
> one of the ears on the compressor that the bolt goes
> through is broken! But enough is there for the bolt to
> hold, I hope. I have not been able to test it yet.
> Oddly, '85 Jetta TD #1, my daily driver, NEVER had a
> problem w/ the A/C bracket or compressor or mountings,
> A/C ice cold too.  hmmmm....

As I recall, I was able to get a wrench on the nut and a socket on the head of the bolt.  It was about 7 years ago that I did
this and I no longer have the vehicle or took any pictures, so I put what I remembered on my page.  It all seemed pretty obvious
when you got it all open and looked at what was happening for it to loosen and fail so often.  I also may have tapped threads
for the new bolt in the larger holes, too.


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