[Vwdiesel] Crank... in a bind

Simon Rook ea82t at yahoo.co.uk
Sun Aug 24 21:12:10 EDT 2003

Hate to state the obvious (not mentioned) but you did
lube the bearings before you torqued them up didn't


 --- Mark Shepherd <markonee1 at hotmail.com> wrote: > [
Converted text/html to text/plain ]
> Have no fear the Misers here...
> Unless youre doing something drastically wrong its
> probably only one shell
> binding.
> Loosen one shell at a time and turn the crank until
> you find the rogue one.
> Remove it inspect it and return it. As you retighten
> towards spec do it in
> several stages whilst rotating crank between stages
> until spec reached. If
> problem resurfaces as tightening increased; then
> rotating under partial
> tightening will either smooth off aberation or at
> the very least leave an
> observable trace on the soft shell. Use a fine
> abrasive like 'Vim' to free it.
> Remove clean then reasemble
> Mark(The Miser)UK "If I can bend it or stick it
> together ...I will"
> "There's nothing more stimulating than driving past
> a bonfire... then
> realizing its your  car!"
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> ===References:===
>   1. http://g.msn.com/8HMUENUK/2731??PS=
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