[Vwdiesel] cold weather starting help 1.6L Jetta diesel

James Hansen jhsg at sk.sympatico.ca
Fri Aug 29 01:41:52 EDT 2003

Just add to that a 0-40 synthetic oil, and you're away. It's not cold enough
where Loren lives.
I run 0-40 rotella synth, orbit battery, known good starter, known good glow
plugs, heavy cables, fresh alt belt on a 540000km engine.  Starts to -25C
without plugging in, but that's it. The tdi is good to more than this,
like -30 with this same setup.

> -----Original Message-----
> From: vwdiesel-admin at vwfans.com [mailto:vwdiesel-admin at vwfans.com]On
> Behalf Of LBaird119 at aol.com
> Sent: Thursday, August 28, 2003 8:20 PM
> To: vwdiesel at vwfans.com
> Subject: Re: [Vwdiesel] cold weather starting help 1.6L Jetta diesel
> --
> [ Picked text/plain from multipart/alternative ]
> Are there any tried and true methods for having RELIABLE starting once the
> ol' Mercury drops really low? (like -20'C/-4'F)
> (Like bigger battery?, new thinner oil? new block heater (mine's
> toast)?...........anything else?  PO said to pump the accelerator
> pedal when
> starting in cold weather---will this REALLY help at all on a diesel?
>   Sounds like you have a dead glow plug or two.
>   You don't need a bigger battery, just a GOOD group 41.  A 42
> fits but has
> enough less CCA to be a problem.  Oil can do it however I've never gone
> to thin oil in the winter and although it cranks slower, it's never been a
> problem.  A good starter makes a huge difference so have good bushings
> or brushes.  I know a lot on the list don't wholeheartedly agree with me
> on this but if the starter's old and tired just do a Bosch
> rebuilt.  I went
> through mine, replacing all the bushings, cleaning things up, checking
> brushes and so on.  I finally put a Bosch rebuild in and the difference in
> cranking speed was HUGE.
>   Get some BIG battery cables too.  They really help with cranking speed.
> Either build your own from auto parts store's stock items or get
> a pre-made
> cable for 6V applications.  They're 1 or 0ga.  :)  Huge difference.  You
> could
> go with an Optima or equivelant battery. :)
>   Clean air filter, no leaks in the fuel supply or return lines.
> This will
> make
> it hard to start and rob you of power when it sucks air instead of the
> colder,
> thicker fuel.  Make sure all the glow plugs work well and the relay is
> cycling properly.  Worn injectors will make for harder starting as well
> as improper pump timing.
>      Loren
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