[Vwdiesel] Aftermarket CD changers

Pavneet Arora pavneet_arora at waroc.com
Fri Dec 19 07:34:14 EST 2003

Not directly a diesel specific question, but we have a 1998 TDI.  Bentley
has details about pre-98 sound systems (the Deluxe and Premium) but not
the one labelled "Sound System" --- this was the cassette with CD changer
controls.  There is a circular button labelled scan on the right hand side
surrounded by four source buttons.  Bentley only has info on entering the
anit-theft code into this unit, and says that this unit is connected to
the vechicel Data Link Connector (p.91-2 to 91-3).  I've caught the audio
upgrade bug since I have been working on our Contour/Mondeo.

So the question is where can I find more details about this unit?  Was
this a Blaupunkt unit?  Anyone been able to add another make (non-VW) of
CD changer to this headunit?  Is there a pre-wire in the trunk to accept a
CD changer?  How about upgrading the head unit to take advantage of a 1
DIN sat nav system?  Any help that you may be able to offer would be
greatly appreciated.  Perhaps some of you have links to your own upgrades.

I tried to look through the archives, but without a search mechanism it is

Our Jetta just turned over 250 000 km (which I hope is 1/3 if not 1/4 of
its life ;-)) --- hooray.

Peace and all the best for the holidays.

Pavneet Arora

waroc informatik
Strictly high-end audio and home cinema.  Without the attitude.

phone:  416.937.WAROC (9276)    internet:  www.waroc.com

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