[Vwdiesel] Clutch Noise Problem

Gavrik Peterson gavrik at cablespeed.com
Wed Dec 31 02:59:09 EST 2003

>BTW, how long did it take you to split, and drop the tranny and 
>get the clutch off the first time around?

This will be the third time I have had this clutch apart.  The first
time was many years ago, so I can't remember how long it took.

Removing the clutch is not all that big a deal.  The thing that takes
time is removing all the stuff required to get to it.  This includes
removing the:

-- drive lines
-- shift linkage
-- speedometer cable
-- clutch cable
-- starter
-- front and rear engine mounts

The engine/transaxel will support itself with just the left and right
engine mounts.  Because the left mount is on the transaxel you have to
support the engine.  Once this is done you can remove the left mount
and tilt the engine down by pivoting on the right mount so that you
have enough clearance to separate the transaxel from the engine. 

The separation process requires that you remove several bolts freeing
the transaxel.  This requires that you have some way to support the
transaxel so that the spline doesn't mechanically load the clutch.
Having a helping friend makes this operation less insane.

Once you get the transaxel off the clutch goes quite fast.

I do this work so infrequently that I never get proficient.  This
time, working carefully, I complete the work in around 5 hours with
removing the clutch accounting for less then 30 minutes.

Gavrik Peterson

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